289 Middle Fork Road
Chehalis, Washington 98532
Located in Lewis County
Located in Lewis County

Ragamuffin Ranch in Chehalis, WA

Ragamuffin Ranch is an animal shelter in Chehalis, Washington. Discover comprehensive information about Ragamuffin Ranch. Located in the heart of Chehalis, Ragamuffin Ranch is committed to helping homeless and needy animals find loving homes. If you're considering adding a pet to your family, think about adopting from Ragamuffin Ranch. By choosing adoption over buying from pet markets, you play a crucial role in supporting animal welfare in Chehalis.

Ragamuffin Ranch Information

Ragamuffin Ranch is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created in 2023 to rescue dogs in Lewis County, Washington and the surrounding areas. We are located on a rural property on 15 acres in Chehalis which is located midway between Portland and Seattle and is being built out to best serve the work we do. Our mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome unwanted, abused and neglected dogs. Our vision is to bring hope, happiness and healing to the animals and humans that society neglects. Values Empathy - work to understand everyones situation and respond with kindness Honesty - be open, transparent and authentic in all our relationships Curiosity - have a desire to learn Inclusiveness - strive to make as many people as possible part of our work

Website: Click Here
501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization:

Ragamuffin Ranch is an animal shelter in Chehalis, Washington. Discover comprehensive information about Ragamuffin Ranch. Located in the heart of Chehalis, Ragamuffin Ranch is committed to helping homeless and needy animals find loving homes. If you're considering adding a pet to your family, think about adopting from Ragamuffin Ranch. By choosing adoption over buying from pet markets, you play a crucial role in supporting animal welfare in Chehalis.

Other Animal Shelters & Rescues Near Ragamuffin Ranch

Below are some more shelters and rescue organizations other than Ragamuffin Ranch that are in Washington for you to check out. There are so many dogs and cats out there in Washington that need a permanent home, so please try expanding your search for the pet you want to adopt.

Nearby Shelter/Rescue Options Near Ragamuffin Ranch
Eastside Pet Adoption Center- Bellevue/Crossroads located in Bellevue, Washington
Goldendale Animal Shelter located in Goldendale, Washington
Friends of the Animals Foundation (FAF) located in Seattle, Washington
Recent Dog For Adoption Around Chehalis, Washington
Photo of Nuka

Meet Nuka! Nuka is a Young Pomsky Dog that is up for adoption.

Nuka is currently located in Union Gap, WA waiting to be adopted by a loving family.

Learn more about adopting Nuka


e.g. "Miami FL" or "33168"

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